NLP For Family Life

Healthy family relationships NLP techniques

Is maintaining healthy family relationships high on your list of priorities? It will, of course, depend very much upon your particular life values. Before reading this page, have you considered where your family is on that hierarchy? How much do they truly mean to you? Do you have children? Do they come first, or are they just part of the family baggage, so to speak?

Family is not an important thing; it is everything
"Michael J Fox"

Healthy family relationships – your values

Write down the top ten most important things in your life in order of priority, with 1 at the top and 10 at the bottom. Now scrutinize those choices carefully and check again. Are they really in the correct order? Ask yourself a few questions. If you have children, how much time do you give them? Time is all we have but it is also the most important thing we can give our children.

Healthy family relationships and time

How much does your family figure in your daily life? What do you do together. At the time of writing this article, these web pages are read by people from over 80 countries around the world, and family traditions and values will differ according to tradition. Do you make it a habit in your household of eating at least your main meal of the day together?

By “eating your main meal”, I mean eating at a dining table or other family setting where you can sit round, eat and talk over the events of the day together. I do not mean sitting in front of a television set eating mindlessly in silence while everyone remains glued to the same program. The advantages of spending that time together at the end of the day should be obvious and certainly play a great part in the bonding together of the family.

A happy family is but an earlier heaven
"George Bernard Shaw"

Healthy family relationships – nothing to do with money

Some of us are fortunate enough to have happy childhoods in secure family settings while others haven’t been so lucky. It has nothing to do with money or possessions. The most cherished and well looked-after children may come from humble or poor families whilst some of the most neglected may come from wealthy families. It all has to do with time and attention.Those from secure backgrounds may find it easier when they start their own families to adopt and pass on their own experiences to their children. Others may have to start afresh. If your upbringing was unhappy or you come from a broken family, make it your business to see that your children have a happy, secure environment in which to live. Make it a family-orientated life. Start a new tradition.

Healthy family relationships – building memories

Take the time to build family memories together. Play together and laugh together. We will not be together on this earth forever. When one of our family members has passed on, those memories will be very precious. After the mourning is over you will be able to look back and cherish those happy times together. Don’t build regrets by neglecting your family members.

It is sometimes said that we can choose our friends but we cannot choose our family. By that, I suppose it was meant that we all have at least one member of our extended family that we don’t get on so well with.

That may be so, but it doesn’t mean that we cannot love each other as family. It might be that we don’t have a lot in common with each other, but we can still care for each other without living in the other’s pockets.

Healthy family relationships – remember future generations

I wonder if you know of a situation like that either in your own or a friend’s family. Unfortunately, they are all too common.

But it really isn’t worth it, is it? You may well think that life is far too short. Quite apart from the upset that is caused at the time, the great danger is that the initial resentment and anger is passed from one generation to another and becomes increasingly bitter.

As time goes on, versions of events become more muddied and attitudes become even harder. If you are unfortunate enough to be a party to circumstances like that in your family, do all you can to mend it even if it is only for the sake of your children and their children.

Sometimes the only word that is needed is “Sorry” – a simple word of five letters – which some people find so hard to say. And sorry is not an admission of guilt; it just means “I am sorry this ever happened between us”.

1. Understand your family well.

If you don't then there can be many misunderstandings and fights. Be with them whenever you can and get to know them better. A lot of families now don't get to know each other too well because they're too busy. Plan some family time, like, a movie, or a family game, or even as little as eating dinner together.

2. Respect your family

Your children, your wife/husband are now yours but remember at the end of the day they are also humans. They also have an opinion or suggestion. Sometimes it can be bad or good. Never be angry with someone's opinion, they have their opinions, and no one's perfect.

3. Give time.

No one wants to be ignored just for some meeting or work. Give time to each and every one of them so you can understand every individual properly and this can prevent any misunderstandings in the future.

4. Treat everyone as equal.

Whether it’s your maid or stepchild, they also deserve love and affection from you as you deserve from your wife/husband or from your own child. Treat everyone like you would want to be treated, and getting along with your family should be easy

5. Never Scream or shut at anyone.

This can create hatred for you in their hearts. By simply making them understand can do a lot. Why waste energy when you can do it calmly? Do not fight with your siblings. Fighting can tear your relationship apart and you'll regret it when you get older. Treasure the time you have with your siblings, you can't get it back.

6. Never discriminate.

It is very painful so avoid at any cost…Discrimination as any age can cause damage to the mind and body. In fact nobody can hurt you, yet there are always a chance to get pained.

7. Learn to compromise.

When you or someone else in your family wants the total opposite of each other, find a way to work it out to give you all what you want.

8. Help each other.

When you see your sibling or parent needs help, help them. Doing little things such as holding the door for them, or helping someone with homework.

9.Organizing surprise birthday parties and celebrating any individual's achievements can really help.

Recognition at any stage and age can help the individual to boost the performance and it can boot the power of immune system as well; as the mind and body are connected

10. Avoid using offensive and abusive words against each other.

The offensive language can take away the performance and beauty of the family life. As the words go deep inside the person’s mind if the other person is predominantly auditory

11. Sometimes teenagers can feel sad or lonely.

First ask them about it and if they don't want to share then its OK. It is just hormones. If you think that something is really bad, ask their close friends and help him/her. Ref: Anima and Animus.

12. Never ever break any promise.

This can hurt them or makes them feel that you are a liar and every time will break promises.

13. Learn to forgive.

Forgive and forget &Forgive and Remember.

14. Don't scold too much.

Scolding can be good for them but never overdo it.

15. Make them realize in an easy way.

If someone in your family has done something wrong or have betrayed your trust, make them realize their mistake in an easy way.

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